Throughout my years with technology, social media has played somewhat of a big role in my life. When I was younger, I was the only person without a phone, or social media and resorted to using the landline at home to talk to people. As much as I hate admitting it, during that time in my life, as envious as I was of others owning a phone, looking back now, it was almost a relief not to wonder if I should post photos from an event or what people would think or even say. I do, however, see the positive aspects of media and all it can do for us. Such as a rather recent event which occurred last week when a student from my high school and in my graduating class tragically passed away. Had it not been for my presence on social media, I wouldn't have known for days, weeks, or even months of his passing. But media also has a dark role to play in life.
Over time, I have had to learn to think through what I'm saying or posting on social media. Although some social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat give their users the option to delete posts and stories. But I learned the hard way, when it's out there, it's out there for life. You can't erase your "digital footprint" and it can come back to bite you. Yes, there are things I wish I could completely erase out of pure embarrassment, but I wouldn't change it. All of those embarrassing and old posts and videos helped shape me in some form, and it ultimately led me to decide on communication for my major.
I don't believe the optimistic approach is more accurate than the dark side of technology and vise versa. Technology has been a groundbreaking evolution in the world that can help change it for the better if we let it. But we can also let it divide us up and let fear and hatred control us. How we choose to see and utilize it is ours to make. Just like politics, technology can be useful, but it can also become corrupt. I've been told many horror stories about social media going wrong, and while they are true, sharing those awful stories is what allows future generations to learn what to avoid and the dangers. Technology can be a wonderful tool for us to use to spread hope, light, and happiness with each other like in the dark times of the current pandemic. But how we let it control us and our emotions is what needs to go. Sometimes, when I'm scrolling on Instagram or Snapchat, I forget to look up from the screen to see the amazing world right in front of my eyes. There has to be a balance and personally, I try to limit myself and my screen hours and not look at my phone when I'm with friends because no amount of likes or comments will give me the same feeling as sharing a story with a friend. It's the one life we get, and it's important we don't waste away hours upon hours staring at a small screen.
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